Today I decided that I'm going to lower the amount of calories I consume in a day. I don't NEED to be consuming 1,646 calories a day. I worked with mydailyplate.com weight loss goal and determined the amount of calories I feel comfortable with allowing myself in a day is 1,546 - starting TODAY! In addition, I will stay UNDER my allotted calories.
With the limited amount of resources I have available to me - I am still feeling good about my daily half hour walks. I'm going to keep track of the distance I can complete in a half hour starting TODAY! I'm going to configure my strides on my pedometer I won at a healthy living conference I attended earlier this year.
I am also making the choice to live for myself. I am putting myself at the top of my list to accomplish my goals. I'm not lazy and I'm not going to be just because others around me are choosing that for themselves.
1 comment:
Rock on, sister! I totally just wrote in my lifebook last night that I am my own top priority now. Much love and support to you!
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