My dad's life motto seems to be "Death is Certain, Life is Not". As someone that doesn't want anything to do with death because every time I think of someone close to be dying I break out in tears for hours - it's a very true motto to have. He has it tattooed on his arm with death (a skull or grim reaper - or idk) and I have ideas of getting it on me as well one day.
This doesn't have anything to do with weight loss. It has more to do with physical appearance and death. It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside - Farrah Fawcett died and she looked like she was in her 40s (thanks to whatever surgeries she has had, I'm sure). It's how we treat our bodies and take care of our mind that gets us to an old age.
My dad is right - death will come for all of us (and as I say that my eyes swell with tears). But we are all trying to make sure that we live a little longer by getting ourselves healthy - not skinny and the type of pretty we see in movies but truly healthy and happy.
RIP Michael Jackson - your music has touched us all.
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